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This Robot Band Has a Guitarist With 78 Fingers and a Drummer With 22 Arms!

The Z-Machines are a three-piece band of Japanese robots, featuring a guitarist with 78 fingers and a drummer with 22 arms.

Warp Records, a British record label, is set to release the debut album from the all-robot band called Music For Robots on April 8th.

While the robots can certainly play instruments in ways that aren’t humanly possible, they also have their limitations because the robotic devices have specifications that exclude some things that a human could do like improvisation.

Composer, Squarepusher says, “The robot guitar player, for example, can play much faster than a human ever could, but there is no amplitude control.”

I guess we’ll have to wait for the album to come out to see if the Z-Machines are capable of topping the charts.

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