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IC698CMX016 PACSystems RX7i Control Memory Xchange 16MB Memory IC698C IC698CM IC698CMX PDFsupply als

SKU 2173264  UPC 0339764907615

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Product Description

The IC698CMX016 is a Control Memory Xchange module from the GE Fanuc RX7i Series. IC698CMX016 is a communication module used for the PACSystems RX7i programmable controllers. The PACSystems RX7i Controller functions to port applications from one hardware environment to another. The communication modules that are easily installed in these modules accessorise the distribution of input-output and control. An array of configurations and protocols are supported by these communication modules. One such module is the IC698CMX016 that is a Control Memory Xchange Module. 

The IC698CMX016 facilitates the transfer of information between devices and PLCs. This transmission is carried out on a network of 2.12 gigabaud fibre optic wires. This network can host 256 nodes that are all congruous with 5565 devices. The network uses a reflective memory technology. These nodes are connected to one another forming a daisy loop pattern so that the receiver of each node is connected to the transmitter. This connectivity ensures that any change in status communicated to one node is relayed without delay to all the other nodes.

This control memory Xchange module has an effective data rate of 2.12 gigabaud in addition to 16 megabytes of reflective memory to store and process data. The IC698CMX016 has data a transfer rate that varies from 6.2 megabytes per second to 3.2 megabytes per second, depending on the density of redundant information. The module's access time varies between 400 nanoseconds and 200 nanoseconds. The IC698CMX016 is installed using a 62.5-micron core LC type connector. The IC698CMX016 hosts 5-volt buses that require a minimum current of 1.2 amperes to function.

PACSystems RX7i Control Memory Xchange 16MB Memory IC698C IC698CM IC698CMX
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 1, 2019 – Emerson today announced it has completed the purchase of Intelligent Platforms from General Electric.

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