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RX3i ALG542 Accessory

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Other Available Revisions for the IC694ALG542 IC694ALG542-AAIC694ALG542-BBIC694ALG542-BCIC694ALG542-LTIC694ALG542-RR

Common misspellings:
  • 1C694ALG542
  • IC69AALG542
  • IC694A1G542
  • IC694ALG5A2
  • IC694ALG542

Product Description

The IC694ALG542 Analog Current/Voltage Module is manufactured by GE Fanuc for PACSystems RX3i. The advanced diagnostics offer a mixed I/O analog current/voltage with four differential input channels. Additionally, two single-ended output channels are available. The configuration for each channel can be completed with the Machine Edition software for any of the following ranges: (0 to +10 volts) unipolar, (-10 to +10 volts) bipolar, 0 to 20 mA, or 4 to 20 mA. Moreover, input channels can be configured for an enhanced mode at 4-20 mA. Each individual output can be configured to either a Hold Last State or at the low end of the power range. This comes into effect if the system’s power in interrupted. Outputs are configurable as well. These can operate in ramp mode on command from the application program. In this mode, the output channel ramps to a new value over time, rather than an immediate new value. High and low limits can be set for each channel as well as an open wire fault reported to the CPU for each individual output channel.

Features available on the IC694ALG542 module include open circuit detection for each input in the enhanced range, configurable scaling and offsets per channel, and alarm detection and reporting per channel. Module fault reporting is also available on this module with support of full diagnostic point fault contacts in the logic program. Firmware upgrades are fully supported.

During installation and to ensure correct functioning, this module requires 150mA plus loop current from a user supplied 24Vdc external source. The module supports the insertion and removal from an RX3i universal backplane. This module has an update rate of 2ms. 

Technical Specifications

Module Type: Analog Mixed I/O
Backplane Support:  No restrictions
# of Slots 1 (single slot)
Voltage Range: 0 to +10V, -10 to +10V
Current Range: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA
Power Consumption:    95mA @ 5V, 150mA @ 24VDC external



Technical Information



Power Requirements

External Supply Voltage Range

20 to 30 VDC (24 VDC typical)

Power Supply Rejection Ratio

Current:  5 μA/V (typical), 10 μA/V (maximum) Voltage: 25 mV/V (typical), 50 mV/V (maximum)

(Measured by varying VUSER from 24 VDC to 30 VDC)

Voltage Ripple


Power Consumption

95 mA from backplane +5 VDC supply 150 mA from external +24 VDC supply

Update Rate

Update Rate: 2ms

Isolation Field to Backplane (optical) and to frame ground

250 VAC continuous; 1500 VAC for 1 minute

Analog Outputs

Two, Single–Ended

Analog Current Output


Output Current Ranges

0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA


0 to 20 mA: 0.625 μA (1 LSB = 0.625 μA)

4 to 20 mA:  0.5 μA (1 LSB = 0.5 μA)

Absolute Accuracy1,5

±0.1% of full scale @ 25°C (77°F), typical

±0.25% of full scale @ 25°C (77°F), maximum

±0.5% of full scale over operating temperature range (maximum)

Maximum Compliance Voltage

VUSER –3 V (minimum) to VUSER (maximum)

User Load

0 to 850Ω ï€ USE(mR =in i2m0uVm, ma taVximum 1350Ω at VUSER = 30 V)

Output Load Capacitance

2000 pF (maximum)

Output Load Inductance

1 H (maximum)

Analog Voltage Output


Output Ranges

-10 to +10 V (bipolar), 0 to +10 V (unipolar)


–10 V to +10 V:    0.3125 mV (1 LSB = 0.3125 mV)

0 to +10 V: 0.3125 mV (1 LSB = 0.3125 mV)

Absolute Accuracy2,5

±0.25% of full scale @ 25°C (77°F), typical

±0.5% of full scale @ 25°C (77°F), maximum

±1.0% of full scale over operating temperature range (maximum)

Output Loading

5 mA (2 K Ohms minimum resistance)

Output Load Capacitance

1 μF (maximum capacitance)

1.       Analog Current output: In the presence of severe Radiated RF interference (IEC 61000-4-3, 10V/m), accuracy may be degraded to ±1% of full scale.

2.       Analog Voltage output: In the presence of severe Radiated RF interference (IEC 61000-4-3, 10V/m), accuracy may be degraded to ±4% of full scale.


Specifications, continued

Analog Inputs

Four, differential

Analog Current Input


Input Ranges

0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA Enhanced


0–20mA : 0.625 μA (1 LSB = 0.625 μA)

4–20mA : 0.5 μA/bit(1 LSB = 0.5 μA)

4–20mA Enhanced : 0.5 μA/bit(1 LSB = 0.5 μA)

Absolute Accuracy at 0–20mA3,5

+/-0.25% of full scale @25°C (77°F);

±0.5% of full scale over specified operating temperature range

Absolute Accuracy at 4–20mA3,5

+/-0.25% of full scale @25°C (77°F);

±0.5% of full scale over specified operating temperature range

Absolute Accuracy at 4–20mA Enhanced3,5

+/-0.25% of full scale @25°C (77°F);

±0.5% of full scale over specified operating temperature range


<4 LSB

Common Mode Voltage

200 VDC (maximum)

Common Mode Rejection

>70 dB at DC; >70 dB at 60 Hz

Cross Channel Rejection

>80 dB from DC to 1 kHz

Input Impedance

250 Ω

Input Filter Response

55 Hz

Analog Voltage Input


Input Ranges

0 to +10 V (unipolar), -10 to +10 V (bipolar)


Factory calibrated to:

2.5 mV per count on 0 V to +10 V (unipolar) range

5 mV per count on -10 to +10 V (bipolar) range

Resolution at 0V to +10V

0 to +10 V: 0.3125 mV (1 LSB = 0.3125 mV)

–10 to +10 V: 0.3125 mV (1 LSB = 0.3125 mV)

Resolution at -10V to +10V

1 LSB = 0.3125 mV

Absolute Accuracy4,5

over specified operating temperature range

+/-0.25% of full scale @25°C (77°F);

+/-0.5% of full scale over specified operating temperature range


<4 LSB

Common Mode Voltage

200 VDC (maximum)

Common Mode Rejection

>70 dB at DC; >70 dB at 60 Hz

Cross Channel Rejection

>80 dB from DC to 1 kHz

Input Impedance

800 K Ohms ï€ ï€   typ ica l)

Input Filter Response

55 Hz

3.       Analog Current Input: In the presence of severe Radiated RF interference (IEC 61000-4-3, 10V/m), accuracy may be degraded to ±2% of full scale.

4         Analog Voltage Input: In the presence of severe Radiated RF interference (IEC 61000-4-3, 10V/m), accuracy may be degraded to ±1% of full scale.

5         Applicable for all outputs and inputs: In the presence of severe Conducted RF interference (IEC 61000-4-6, 10Vrms), accuracy may be degraded to ±2% of full scale.



Troubleshooting IC694ALG542

Troubleshooting information is available on IC694ALG542's website page; it also includes a datasheet user-manual and a wiring diagram.


Repair your IC694ALG542

PDF Supply can repair your IC694ALG542 in 3-5 business days. And PDF Supply stands by all of its repairs with a 1 year customer satisfaction warranty.

Customer Questions and Answers

  • Question:  What is an IC694ALG542?  Answer:  The IC694ALG542 is an Advanced Diagnostics Mixed I/O Analog Current/Voltage module from the GE Fanuc RX3i Series.
  • Question:   What current and voltage ranges can the IC694ALG542 be configured for?   Answer:
    • Current:  0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA
    • Voltage:  0 to 10V, -10 to +10V
  • Question:  What are some of the features of the IC694ALG542?   Answer:  
    • Open circuit detection for all inputs in 4 to 20 mA Enhanced Range
    • Module fault reporting
    • Positive and negative Rate of Change Alarms
    • Configurable scalling and offsets per channel
    • High alarm, low alarm, high-high alarm, low-low alarm detection and reporting selectable per channel
    • Supports hot insertion/removal on RX3i main rack
  • Question:  Does the IC694ALG542 require external power?   Answer:  This module requires 150mA plus loop current(s) from a user-supplied 24 VDC external source.
  • Question: What should I do if my IC694ALG542 is not working properly?   Answer:  Your IC694ALG542 may need repair

For more information on the IC694ALG542 Advanced Diagnostics Mixed I/O Analog Current/Voltage Module of the GE Fanuc RX3i Series, please see the Datasheet User-Manual.

Release History


Firmware Release








Nov. 2015

Documentation change only. Removed %AI, %AQ, %R, %W

from the Diagnostic Reference Address and Module Status Reference Address module parameters.



Jan. 2014

Resolves an issue that occurred when user power was cycled.



May 2012

Resolves several rarely-occuring issues that were identified in field and factory testing.



Sep. 2011

Initial release.


ST. LOUIS, Feb. 1, 2019 – Emerson today announced it has completed the purchase of Intelligent Platforms from General Electric.

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