GE / IP FANUC Series 90/30 In Stock

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SKU 2172162  UPC 0799705794054

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Product Description

The GE Intelligent Platforms/ GE Fanuc GE-IP Genius I/O IC660BBA025 is a block 24/48Vdc Analog Current Source with six outputs. This block features six 4 to 20 mA analog output circuits with no calibration required for operation. Software configurable, this block has advanced diagnostics and a dedicated bus switching module control. Outputs 5 and 6 can be used as voltage applications if needed.

The blocks provide power to all circuits, and no separate power is required for 4-20mA signals. Each output provides power and control of a 4 to 20mA current loop. IC660BBA025 is a block that has a dedicated digital output that can be used to drive a Bus Switching Module. Handheld monitor model IC66*HHM501G (version 4.0) or later is required for configuration.

When installing the GE Fanuc GE-IP Genius I/O IC660BBA025 know they are considered open equipment and must be installed with a protective enclosure in an area that is clean and free of airborne contaminants. Output channels use a dual 12-bit digital to analog converter and can independently control currents from 0mA to 24mA. The block’s advanced diagnostics provide messages. Fault messages can be cleared from the handheld monitor or CPU.

To configure the block, first use a handheld monitor and enter the device number (serial bus address). Then enter the reference number if required. The blocks configured scaling determines the corresponding output of the signal value. As an added precaution, if the block is configured offline, then it must be properly grounded and have a 75 Ohm resistor installed across Serial 1 and 2 terminals.

Technical Specifications

Rated Voltage: 24/48 VDC
# of Points: 6
Output Range: 4 mA to 20 mA, 0 mA to 24 mA
Resolution: 6 micro Amp
Operating Voltage: 18 - 56 VDC
Points per Common:  One group of 6
In Stock! Block 24/48Vdc Analog Current Source 6 Outputs IC660B IC660BB IC660BBA

The Advantages of True Genius - By providing distributed control on the factory floor, Genius¨ I/O systems offer fewer terminations to document, dramatically shorter wiring runs, and simpler, more effective troubleshooting. In a host of industries, from steel to food processing to automotive, more than half a million Genius blocks are helping companies meet the challenge of an increasingly competitive marketplace.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 1, 2019 – Emerson today announced it has completed the purchase of Intelligent Platforms from General Electric.

Common related search terms: ConfigurationDatasheetEmersonManualPDFPLCPriceRepairSpecificationTroubleshootUser-ManualWiring

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